Helping our Furry Friends

Posted by Whimsybear :) on

Mary seems to have a special magnetic field about her, attracting numerous stray animals in need of a little TLC.  Residing in western Wisconsin, both Mary and her family farm have proven to be ever-resilient against the harsh weather that periodically visits the region.

Most recently, Mary rescued a mother cat and her litter including a partially-blind runt named Peewee.  To date, he has fared well since being taken in from the cold, and absolutely enjoys his new family of furries including Benni, Mary's three-legged pup and Rodie, her chronically sneezy kitty, to name a couple.

Whimsybear is eager to take the spirit of Mary's caring for critters to a higher level, by partnering with a charity whose focus is the health and well-being of animals of all shapes and sizes.  A couple candidates include Best Friends Animal Society and Bob's House for Dogs.

More information about each charity can be found on their respective websites, but in brief, Best Friends helps end the killing in America's animal shelters, while Bob's House is a local Wisconsin family's project that adopts and cares for less-sought-out senior dogs.

In Whimsybear style, we seek and appreciate any input you might have, as we consider our partners.  If you prefer one of these charities over the other, or know of one that's near and dear to you that could use some TLC, please let us know on our contact page!  We'll keep you updated on our progress through our newsletter, which you can sign up for at the bottom of this page.

Throughout the holidays, please help us send positive energy to those throughout the world who need it the most:)

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